RJ 08/01/1985 Tuesday

RJ 08/01/1985 Tuesday

You know what? I want to leave soon. These people fight all the time. Maira argued with Zezé just after returning from her exam. Her exams were annulled because she marked the answers with pen and it had to be done by pencil, but she didn’t read the instructions and failed! Anyway she was only doing it for practice and she hasn’t finished high school yet (she has to finish the third year first, and she would have finished it this academic year).

Rita (Wagner’s mum) said that Wagner didn’t recognise me and that I grew a lot. Then her and Zezé started saying that we were checking each other out and that something could happen … Rita said she would love to have me as her daughter-in-law. I’m here alone (Maira went to enroll in her English course and Zezé has gone out). I hope he comes around asking for ‘a cup of sugar’. It’s raining so hard right now! It’s so nice when it rains. Today Elvis Presley would have been 50 years old. It’s not that I’m his fan but it’s been on the news and one of his boring movies is on telly. Actually this movie is on every year. I then thought about John Lennon!

I’ve been writing my diary for 141 days, in months that’s 4 and a bit. It will be 5 months on the 10th of January. Figueiredo was discharged from hospital. I really can’t wait to leave, I’m not even going to the beach every day. Last year I did. I remember something that happened on a Sunday last year but I didn’t write it down. Back in Brasilia I had to gone to Well’s place. Alexandra, Renata and I went to call Welma (Well’s sister). After she had washed the dishes, we sat on her bed and chatted. Their place is soo cool! They have 7 little birds and most of them are let out. I really liked a tiny one and played with it. It was climbing my arms and then my head. Then it stopped for a second on my hair and I felt this wetness running down my scalp. I got so angry. I went to the bathroom to clean the shit and lost all interest in the bird.

Whenever it rains in Rio it’s a tragedy, floods everywhere. When Zezé arrived she phoned Rita so she would come down. Whenever my aunt arrives home she strips down to just her shirt and knickers because of the heat. We were in the living room waiting for Rita and the doorbell rang, I was next to the door so I opened it. It was Wagner and a friend asking if Rita was there. Zezé covered herself and they left. Rita came down and Wagner showed up twice, once, I was eating so I didn’t even see his face; to tell Rita he was going to a friend’s to pick up an-Atari tape. Later, when I was sitting on the sofa, they came back again, to tell Rita that Eduardo (Rita’s husband), had arrived. She thought it was a bit weird, as Wagner never tells her when Edu is back. Then the madams turned to look at me… Wagner is 13 and his friend, 14 or 15 (source of information: Rita). Rita was there so they could compile the list for the baby’s shower. At least I have someone to flirt with for the holidays. Wagner and his mate; and Ricardo in Praia Brava.

By the way, I dreamt about Ricardo last night. I was at Praia Brava with my friends from Brasilia and with him. Let me tell you more about Rita: she lives in penthouse no. 4 and has been married twice. From her first husband she had Wagner, from the second Milene and Gisele. Rita is a bit rude and brute, but deep down she is wonderful. I like her! She swears a lot… It just annoys me when she hits her kids for no reason. We came to Maira’s by taxi, I didn’t want to, but Zezé kept giving hints. Now I’m watching the news, on a telly with a really bad reception, about tile-damage caused by the rain.

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