RJ 07/01/1985 Monday

RJ 07/01/1985 Monday

I was dying to get here and now I can’t wait to leave. I wish it was the 20th of Feb already, then I leave and start school. I want the first semester to go quickly and to grow my fringe out. Maybe my mum will spend carnaval here. I woke up around 6 and read. Until Maira and Jeje woke up I read “The Inspector” and the “Crazy Piano”. Really stupid but there was nothing else to read. Now at 11 I’m reading “Colombo’s curve” from Chico Anisio. I miss Brasilia and wonder if the cats are ok? Now I’m remembering Jan and Feb of last year. I came back early from Rio as I liked Andre (from 205) and wanted to see him. Renata also came back early from her holidays as she also liked him. I went out with him (Renata had already gone out with him in October 83). Then we got to know “the evil gang”.

They were always at the block I and I really liked the guy who had a tattoo on his arm (Well), I thought he was gorgeous. We got to know them, first Gino and Well and then Billho (Renata, Vivi and Alexandra fancied him, only Alexandra went out with him). Renata had gone to Fortaleza and one of the girls she met there came over. By coincidence she lived on the block next to Well’s. We asked Well to go there with us, as in those days we thought that the 103 was miles away. Renata’s friend, Isabel, was really boring, so myself and Alexandra asked to go to Well’s place and drink some water, leaving Renata with her friend (Renata got really annoyed, as she already fancied Well), we had water and when we came down (Well lives on the 5th floor), he showed us what he used to do when he was younger.

He sent the lift to the floor below while keeping the door open using a trick, we were amazed but didn’t have the guts to jump on top of the lift. We got back to where Renata was and got rid of her friend. Then we took her to see the lift, and I got some courage and went on top of it with Well. Renata and Alexandra then wanted to do it too. It’s such a great sensation, watching all the wires moving, with the counter weight going by your side. It was really scary approaching the 6th floor, as the ceiling got nearer it was like we were going to get crushed. That was it, it became the new craze. Me, Renata, Alexandra, Vivi and some boys used to do it all the time on all the lifts on the 205 (nearer than the 103), building by building.

Sometimes we got found out and got told off really bad. The block we went to the most was the A, Andre’s and Fabiano’s (doing it on the 400s was no fun as the block are only 3 storeys high). His block was next to the C and Andre wanted to grass us, because he never ‘walked by German’ (on top of the lift) and was jealous. Twice we had crossed from one block to the other through tunnels. When we got to the 6th floor there was a hole on the wall, which we jumped to and there was a lot of very dark tunnels, and from there we would come out on the next block – but that could only be done if two blocks were stuck together, obviously. One day we just got bored of it and by then Vivi was already going out with Well. They started going out on 9/2/84. He only asked her out because we made him, he didn’t really fancy her. She was a bit silly at the start but then she learned better. Alexandra went out with Binho only for a month, and Andre and I only lasted a week. Renata didn’t even go out with anyone.

Nica went out with Fabiano for 2 months. At the start of February I went out with Marcelo Buarque for 5 days.

I’m very happy, Queen arrived here to play at Rock in Rio, I love them. I want to find out when Rod Stewart with his husky voice and Yes arrive, I like them too. I’ve got the programme of Rock in Rio up to the 16th, have a look (+ means I like):
11 – Ney Matogrosso (+), Erasmo Carlos (+ or -), Pepeu Gomes and Baby Consuelo (+), Whitesnake( -) they took Deaf Lepard’s place, Iron Maiden (+ or -), and my beloved Queen (+++++++).
12 – Ivan Lins (+ or -), Elba RanlalhO (+), Gilberto Gil(+), Al Jarreau(+), James Taylor(+), George Benson(+ or).
13 – Paralamas do Sucesso(+), Lulu Santos(+), Blitz (+++++, I love them), Nina Hagen(+), GoGo’s(-), RodStewart (+).
14 – Moraes Moreira (+), Alceu Valenca (+), James Taylor and George Benson.
15 – Kid Abelha e os Aboboras Selvagens (++), Eduardo Dusek (+), Barao Vermelho(+), Scorpions(+), ACIDC (+ or -).
16 – Replay Rita Lee and B-52’s play on the 18th and 20th.

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