RJ 06/01/1985 Sunday

RJ 06/01/1985 Sunday

I’m not used to the idea that it’s a New Year yet. I’m eating little and I think I might go back to Brasilia weighing less, but I’m leading such a sedentary life…

Today Maira and Jeison had vestibular exams. We arranged to go to the beach after their exams (they have the remaining exams on Tuesday). They started at 8 and finished at 12. Hers was for UERJ University, near us; Jeison’s was at Bom Sucesso. We looked like clowns, arrived at the beach as 12:30 noon. The beach was packed (Barra), but we stayed somewhere a bit more empty, not surprising, as there was a football field nearby, I can’t believe we didn’t get hit by the ball! The sea was really rough, at around two it caught a lot of people by surprise and they got all wet (as well as their things). Luckily we were quite a way away from the sea.

Gil was on the boat, for a change. Today is King’s day, day to dismantle the Christmas decorations, but Zezé had done it already. In the afternoon we watched “O Cangaceiro Trapalhao”, I had seen it in ’83 but I love them, I don’t think they’re that funny, but I like watching them. Zezé made some wafers, and it reminded me of Mexico, I used to eat them with syrup. Oh, and the tacos! To me taco is the best after ice cream, chips and pasta.

Finished reading the “Genio do crime”. Today I’m sleeping at Maira’s.

They just don’t stop. They are arguing already! I can hear Maira sobbing under the shower. .. I think their relationship will be over soon. Jeison is so unlucky, when he was going to do his exams the motorbike’s tyre went flat, he went past 3 petrol stations and they were all closed. He drove the bike with an empty tyre and arrived just 5 minutes before the start of the exam. He wants to do Computing and Maira wants to do Physiotherapy. Maira wanted to do Acupuncture, but it doesn’t exist in Brazil as a degree and to do it anywhere else you have to be either a doctor or physiotherapist.

I haven’t told you the latest political gossip: Figueiredo, our president had an operation on his back but unfortunately he is fine – poor guy, I don’t really wish him dead, I just want all the corrupt politicians to go to jail. You know, something really makes me angry (amongst many other things) is that everyone who does well it’s either gay or lesbian, and worst of all whoever spreads these rumours has no proof. I think it’s envy. Anyway, who has the right to gossip about other people’s live maliciously? After all, jf someone is homosexual, gay, transvestite, whatever, that’s their problem. Maybe I’m becoming too individualist and everything is their own business. Mind you I do like a bit of gossip, but about people I know, not famous people (my hand hurts now!).

Today Gil and Zezé to told us some funny stuff (soon after we got back from the beach at 2:30, Gil came in from the boat). They told us that one time when they were coming back from a funeral, Gilberto Gil drove next to them and really stared at my uncle. They also said that Walmor Chagas tried it on with my uncle too. A few days ago I saw Mr. Olegario from the soap “Happy End” on a street in Copacabana. I like seeing famous people.

I forgot to say (I look cool on the nighty I borrowed from Maira) that Maira felt ill at the beach. She started to cough and then vomited. But it’s normal towards the end of pregnancy. She’s also got something on her eye. It’s weird, my periods and my cold started and ended at about the same days.

I stayed near the fan (due to the 35 degrees heat) in the afternoon, and started to cough.

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