RJ 05/01/1985 Saturday

RJ 05/01/1985 Saturday

I stayed at Zezé’s, she went to the market and came back soon after. We were sitting in the living room, my aunt just wearing her knickers when the doorbell rang. We thought it was Maira and Jeison, who were coming around. When I opened the door it was Wagner, Rita’s son, Zezé’s friend who lives in one of the penthouses of the building. He’s grown so much! Last year he was a little bit taller than me, now he’s enormous, he’s between 1.80 and 1.85 meters.

In the afternoon Alderi phoned here asking me to go to the movies with her daughter and niece, who are 12 and 13 years old. I didn’t want to go but she (who is a very good friend of my mum’s) insisted so much that we went. Jeison and Maira took us there, near Saens Pena Square. Alderi’s daughter, Renata is 12, and Renata’s cousin, Cinthia, is 13 (she will be 14 on the 28th). We went to watch the 3 o’clock show. I thought we were going to watch “The Trapalhoes daughter”) but we watched Ghostbusters instead. We got there at 3 on the dot (it was raining a bit but as I had my hair on a ponytail I didn’t worry). The movie had started but I won’t describe it, as I’m very impatient. At first I enjoyed it as I thought Cinthia was cool. The movie is the same genre as ‘Gremlins’, tragedy everywhere, really funny. That’s all they have in common. It wasn’t a very satisfying movie. ET was the best. I expected something more chaotic. What a shame!

We left the cinema at 10 to 5. Then we went to Bob’s and then (Renata and I) went to Rick, there we waited for Cinthia. From there we went to Renata’s. Maira and Jeison were there. They wanted to leave straight away and asked if I wanted to stay there, I didn’t really want to, but my shyness wouldn’t let me say no. We played volley from 6 until 8:30, first the three of us played but then I cut the ball on Cinthia’s head and she cried and then stopped playing. After that she only played when Paulinho was playing. He is a good looking guy that Cinthia fancies, but he’s not interested. Oh, when we came back from the cinema, before we got to Renata’s building, the boys started asking if they weren’t going to introduce me. Around 7 Cinthia went up and Renata and I stayed behind playing volley. Then a guy ‘who asked to be ugly and joined the cue 10 times’ (How can I say something like that!) Started playing with us. I asked Zezé to pick me up at 9 and when we got home we watched “Poseidon”. Today I nearly finished “Genio do crime” and tomorrow, if I can, I’ll read “The diabolical woman”.

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