RJ 03/01/1985 Thursday

RJ 03/01/85 Thursday

There have been better times in my life to have a diary, when I lived in Mexico, every day a new adventure happened. There were earthquakes, snow on the mountains near us. Adventures, messing about, escapades from school and many other things. Today life is monotonous; news here, news there but nothing like Mexico.

We went to Gina’s and stayed there all afternoon, talking, remembering the old times at Praia Brava, talking about movies, etc. Jeje came to pick us up and we are going (it’s 7 now) to Zezé’s pick up Maira’s birth certificate. She’s taking the Vestibular (exams to enter university) and needs ID. Her identity card will only be ready in a month. She’s taking a worker’s card, which is done straight away and needs 3 photos (3x4cm) and the birth certif

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