Praia Brava 01/01/85 Tuesday

Praia Brava 01/01/85 Tuesday

This year, I have faith, will be better (every year I think the same thing). I’m really itchy, full of mosquito bites. It’s 9:15am and only D. Nina Roni and myself are up. Last night we watched the fireworks. It’s the worse thing to spend New Year’s without knowing anyone. The only people I spoke to were: Rubinho, Pato, Mauricio (I only said hi though), Maira, D. Nina and Jeje. Then Maira just left us there and just wanted to be with her gang. It’s funny how she says she’s fed up with everyone in here, how they are all demented (She’s a pain, according to her only people with maximum IQ, geniuses, are worthy of her friendship).

If I knew everyone here I would find this place to be paradise. The fireworks were great and during them there were lots of people gathered together (they then left). Amongst these people was Ricardo. This guy is part of a project, a boy band, a Brazilian Menudo. If it works out I will have met one of its members. It was dark so I didn’t see his face properly, but every now and then we stared at each other. I went to sleep at one in the morning. Maira and Jeison must have come home really late. We left at 11:30 and went to leison’s parents to drop Roni off (I miss him!). D. Nina wanted to leave but I would have liked to stay longer. At Zeze’s we found her and Gil with a hangover. They spent New Year’s at Juscelia’s friend (or cousin). At midnight they threw Gil in the swimming pool and he woke up with a sore leg.

There was no food and Zeze ordered some nhoc over the phone. We went to Maira’s and got changed to watch Gremlins at 7. The cinema was empty. The movie was a bit different from what I expected. I thought it would be something like ET. I even thought the little furry thing (can’t remember its name) would be from another planet. But it was something else altogether. More simple and less touching than ET. But still all right. It was from the same guy who did ET. The father (who was an inventor, but who only created crap things) buys his son (a 20 year old) a little pet, really cute, the only one in the world. But he was not allowed to give him water, I mean wet him or expose it to sunlight or that would kill it. And most important of all, give it food after midnight. The main guy’s friend (a lot of things happened on his day to day, but I’ll just resume everything) went to his house and when he picked up the little animal he dropped a glass of water on him. Then the furry thing moaned and 5 little furry balls jumped out of him, and they soon turned into little animals like the original one. Really cute. A lot of other things happened, and one day (the guy’s clock had stopped working), the clock said 20 mins to midnight and the animals asked for food (except for the original), the guy feed them went to sleep. The next day instead of 5 little cute animals there were 5 cocoons, they were metamorphosing, except for the main animal. The main guy worked with a girl at the bank and liked her. On Thursday nights he worked in a bar to help its owner. After a few days the cocoons opened … You know what, go and watch the movie, ok?

I’m reading “Happy old year”, from Marcelo Rubens de Paiva. I already read it last year and now I’m reading it again.

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