Friburgo 12/01/85 Saturday

Friburgo 12/01/85 Saturday

Today is my mum’s and Rita’s birthday. I’m going to ring my mum tonight(it’s 13:23 now).

It was arranged that we would go to Friburgo (Zeze, aunt Italy, Maira and Jeison. Gil didn ‘t want to go) and I woke up at 7:30 feeling really tired as I went to sleep at midnight. Jeison slept at his place (he got home at 4 in the morning) and Maira stayed at Zeze’s. Jeison got there at 9. I won’t even talk about the show otherwise I will feel like being there.

Jeje said it wasn’t as good as expected, but the lighting was good and there were fireworks at the end. The house here belongs to D. Nina. Before she lived here with Mr. Mica. He died last year and left her this flat(which is really nice and spacious, we’re used to the tiny flat in Rio and here is big, about the size of my apartment in
Brasilia, but the kitchen here is smaller and there is only one bathroom, anyway it is still big compared with Rio) and seven thousand dollars.

On the road to Friburgo the left back tire went and we had to replace with the spare one, which wasn’t very roadworthy, luckily we were nearly here (the trip takes about 2 hours, lS0km). I found it exciting (I’ve never been on a car with a flat tire) but Jeison was really angry, because he couldn’t unscrew the screws for ages. To make his mood worse I was playing with the spare tire and giving orders about what he should do (I love winding him up and watching him lose it, which, depending on the day can be extremely easy or hard).

We arrived here at 12:30. Just before Friburgo is the camping town of Muri, where, on previous years we had spent New Years, in a little house that Fernando and Gil rented.

They rented it all year around, and used to go there every weekend with Vera, Adriana; Zeze, Gil and Maira. I used to go too during holidays, along with Vera’s parents and Fernando’s mum. It is a place with a European feel. Near us there was a trail going into the forest. Maira used to ride around there on her DT180 Trail motorbike. Near the house
was the Garlip hotel, with swimming pool, where we used to go to on sunny days. It was so nice, they knew each other for 8 years. But the friendship ended in a few days. At the end of last year it was all arranged for us to spend New Years there together, as always. Then Vera phoned Zeze saying that Fernando had gone away and that we should go there but they wouldn’t be going.

The saddest thing was that they all got on so well. Vera and Zeze, Gilberto and Fernando, Maira and Adriana. After that phone call they never heard from them again. Zeze phoned them once and Vera was so cold that Zeze never wanted to hear from her again. Gil stopped renting the house and that was the end of that…

Here in Friburgo there is a ‘teleferico’. We will leave tomorrow, after lunch, what a shame! I wanted to stay here, it’s nice and quiet. In the afternoon we went on the teleferico. I felt like a skier, only it was boiling hot and there was no snow, just woods, plus we had no skis. Shame it’s only 7 minutes up and then 7 minutes down., for 2,5000 cruzeiros.

Today’s singers are (the show starts at 6): Ivan Lins, Elba Ramalho, Gilbert Gil, Al Jerrau, James Taylor and George Benson. From what they said on TV the public today is from 20 years and over as there is no heavy metal. All I know is that the best day was the 11th. I watched Queen and they were the best. I love them!

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