BSB 8/12/1985 Sunday

BSB 8/12/1985 Sunday

Woke up at 7:40, so tired, but couldn’t got back to sleep, so I woke the girls up and we went to the club. We hitched a ride, as usual. It was so hot today, unbearable. Vivi was there already, and we played volleyball. Piolho & co. were there. We sat with Deca and Fernando and everyone. Every now and then Piolho would come over to wind me up. That’s because last week I wanted to look at Fernando’s wallet, but he wouldn’t let me, then Piolho said it’s because he carries a condom and I said I’d never seen one. Now that’s all he talks about to me, he’s just constantly taking the piss, shame he left at noon, because of his boring girlfriend.

Pedro turned up to stalk Vivi, Renata was stalking Deca. China, who is like a mini Piolho is really good looking, shame he’s only 12 or 13 years old. We got a lift to come home. Vivi went home with her mum.

It’s the 5th year anniversary of Lennon’s death. Time has flown but he’s sorely missed. And today it’s been two thousand years since Jesus’ mother (Nossa Senhora) was born.

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