BSB 7/12/1985 Saturday

BSB 7/12/1985 Saturday

I got a letter from Valdomiro in the morning, and what a letter (he was in my class) it was, full of declarations of love… Ah, if only Henrique sent me a letter like that! Lara came here and helped me answer his letter, a polite NO!, posted it and went to 406, for some ice cream. Lara saw Orlando from afar and got all flustered. She likes him but won’t admit it… She left around 6.

In the evening it was Renata’s graduation party, starting at 11, but before that Renata went to a 15th birthday party. Alexandra’s mum gave us a lift to the club Almirante Alexandrinha. Only us two were there, it only got busy after 11. I knew lots of people. Renata was with her friends and Alexandra and I stayed together. Clovis showed up as we were leaving and Alexandra was hysterical. We got home at 2:30 and luckily my mum wasn’t home. Tonight was also the 8C party, anyone could go, but I didn’t want to go.

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