BSB 3/12/1985 Tuesday

BSB 3/12/1985 Tuesday

Went to school in the morning to see the results and to do something. Lara, Tatiana and Fabiane came too. Some boys were there too. Karina will have to resit a lot of subjects. We stayed there until 10. Fabiane took the photos she took on the last day in school, and in the afternoon she lent me the negatives. In the afternoon Fabiane and I arranged to go to Tatiana’s, but first we went to CIL, to check out enrolment info. As I’m going to go to a private school next year I will have to pay 100 thousand. I will enrol on the 10th, when the results come out. I used the opportunity to see Henrique and we ended up arguing.

We were going to go a different way, as I was going to Tatiana’s, and he called me unreliable. I was going one way with him talking to Fabiane and Lara, when Fabiane called me, I said ‘no, this way’ and on purpose she said ‘I will go this way and you go that way’. Then he said ‘go with her, I will go alone’ and I just left him. What an idiot… He just looked at me completely stunned. He kept on walking with Lara on his way, she couldn’t go to Tatiana’s as she had to go shopping.

I left at ten to six. Tomorrow we are going to Fabiane’s house to talk. There really is nothing to do…

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