BSB 31/10/1985 Thursday

BSB 31/10/1985 Thursday

I feel so down! George and Aurea came to school to see us, last period, but I’m not down because of them. It’s Henrique. He wasn’t in school in the morning. Didn’t think I’d see him in English, but when I got there and saw him I was so happy! But then he didn’t even look at me. I was all pumped up to talk to him on the way out, but my mum decided to pick me up and I had to go back with her. Grrrrr! And there I was thinking I was over him. I cried when I got home. Spent the whole afternoon out and didn’t do any homework.

Renata asked me to go to Caldas Novas tonight and stay there until Sunday. William is going to and maybe it would get me out of this pit. But my mum doesn’t want to let me go.

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