BSB 31/03/85 Sunday

BSB 31/03/85 Sunday

It was really sunny in the morning and Alexandra came over. Renata only woke up at 10 and the sky went cloudy. At 11 Renata called us to go to the club (it was sunny again), as we were leaving it got cloudy again so each one of us went home and got our raincoats. It started raining when we were half way there and we looked pretty pathetic going to the club wearing our raincoats. When we got there only our hairs were dry, everything else was soaking wet. The football championship was on today so the club was packed despite the rain. Deca & Co. were there. Leda (Piolho’s girlfriend) asked Idames to tell Alexandra that she better stop running after Piolho or else she’d beat her up. Piolho doesn’t seem to pay much attention to Leda so she must think it has something to do with Alexandra, even though they barely talk to each other. She is very jealous. I would not like to be in Alexandra’s skin.

The weather improved and the match started. Piolho plays for Juventus, as a goalkeeper. Half way through the match Alexandra and I wanted to come back up to 405 but Renata didn’ t so only the two of us left. In the afternoon I didn’t want to go to Summer and watched telly (the press awards was on, but I think it’s all a fix). I went down in the evening, Gil was around and lots of things happened. I went home at 22:30.