BSB 30/12/1985 Saturday

BSB 30/12/1985 Saturday

Today is my last day of the year here, thank God, I’m so bored. Tonight my mum and I are going to Belo Horizonte to spend New Year’s and on the 1st we go to Vitoria. Then Gloria’s brother, in whose house we will stay, is going to pick us up and take us to São Mateus, from there we are going to Guriri, a place with a beach.

Cristina called me, asking to spend New Year’s at AABB, everyone will be there, shame I can’t go. Ana Amelia is going to Rio tomorrow – only Vivi and Pedro left in Brasilia. She says she’s sick of him.

Brazil grew by 8% this year, which is a lot, it should be more like 4%…

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