BSB 30/09/1985 Monday

BSB 30/09/1985 Monday

Today was resit for Maths, half the class were taking it. For the rest we got split into groups of 6 and we did some work. In my group was Pat Lima, Natacha, Johny, Tatiana and Pat Mara. We were just talking very quietly rather than doing any work. We played dodgeball in PE. Henrique wasn’t in, Guilherme said it was because they got back from Paracatu and he was feeling lazy. Someone is prank calling Henrique, saying it’s Marina or Marisa. Guilherme picks the phone up and when he gives it to Henrique they put the phone down. We think Benilce is doing it.

In Portuguese, before the teacher got in, I had a fight with Orlando, as we both wanted the same seat, then Johny called me to sit with him at the front, so I went, and then he said to my face that he wasn’t going to sit with me! I was furious. Then Orlando spent the rest of the lesson asking if I didn’t want to go and sit with him.. I told him to stick it where the sun don’t shine. Then Johny sent me a note saying he was sorry (I put the note on my ‘memories notebook’). We got our Portuguese tests back, lots of people got As and Bs. I only got a C+, Kariana and Fabiane failed.

In PAE, most students left because the teacher was just talking to us, checking the results and so on. I’m still ahead, seems I get records as a reward. I think I’m getting Tears from Fears Songs from the big chair, then either Madonna or Sting.

We walked back talking, me, Daniele, Marcelo and Claudio. Ah, Henrique, who had been spreading rumours around the school about Daniele being a slut, called her to apologise. Seems he likes her after all, even though he told me he didn’t, obviously a lie. Probably my fault for constantly saying how much she likes him, finally he has believed me. Looks like I have no chance with him. Oh and he might be coming to our trip to Paraguai.

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