BSB 30/08/1985 Friday

BSB 30/08/1985 Friday

The worst possible thing in the world has happened: I like Henrique.

At first I thought I didn’t, but today, during the break I couldn’t wait for him to come out of his classroom to meet me. I think about him all the time. SHIT! I just wanted to be his friend. He really likes me, as a friend, but he really fancies Daniele. And I, who didn’t like him, invented to be the cupid and now I have a massive crush on him.

In the afternoon I went to the opticians and I can barely write this as my pupils have been dilated. Didn’t go to dance as I only got home at 7pm, as I went to order the glasses after the eye test.

It’s now 20:30 and I’m going to Playcenter with Lu, Fa and Martha.

It’s 23:13, just got back from Playcenter. I went on the rollercoaster ride, Enterprise and some cool rides. Riba was there but no Henrique, bad luck. We got in the car behind Riba on the rollercoaster. We queued for about 1.5 hours for the Enterprise, two people per cabin and it turns upside down. Was very dizzy when I came out.

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