BSB 30/07/1985 Tuesday

BSB 30/07/1985 Tuesday

I have a cold, probably from dancing so much and then going out in the cold. My throat is killing me. My mum went to Goiania and comes back on Friday. Carmen is sleeping here. The inflation for June was 7.8% and for July it’s already 8.9%. It’s gone up 99% since January.

We were on TV! On DF TV, the local Globo station. They were talking about the Music Fair and they filmed us dancing. It was when Cristina was in the middle and Alexandra and I squeezed on the sides. It was only for a second but we recognised ourselves! I had no idea they were filming!!!!

In the afternoon Vivi and I went to the academy to watch the little girls dance. Renata, Cristina and Bia were there too, Alexandra went home. We got a lift to SCS (Setor Comercial Sul) and went to the BRB building (the one with a clock) to pick some free tickets to a contemporary ballet show, by Grupo de Corpo. We got two lifts back. On the last lift the guy driving had a moustache, as we got off I said ‘bye Magnum!!!’ – he looked very full of himself after that, but he didn’t realise I was being sarcastic, he didn’t have much hair on top of his head.

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