BSB 30/03/85 Saturday

BSB 30/03/85 Saturday

Stayed at Renata’s in the morning and afternoon with Alexandra, Ana Amelia and Vivi. At around 16:00 (Ana had left) we went to Renata’s window and shouted at everyone that walked past below. Asclê went past and I shouted at him and then went to his block to pick up his B-52 ‘s LP. Vivi went to see Well and Renata, Alexandra and I came to mine to tape theB-52’s.

We got ready for the party at 403 (I didn’t go to Daniele’s party). Renata went out with her brother so she didn’t come with us. Alexandra, Andre, Asclê, Negao, Cleiton, Vivi, Well, William and I started walking towards the 403. We stopped at the O block and there was a brat party: Fabiano was there and for some reason we all stopped there and started talking. It started raining and we stayed under the O block until 20:45. Then Alex, Andre, William, Fabiano, Asclê decided to go to 403 while it was raining. They had to carry me as I didn’t want to go. First of all Alexandra dragged me (she’s really strong!). Then halfway there I wanted to go home again and Alexandra asked if I wanted someone to carry me and I said no. Then Andre just picked me up and carried me while I kicked in the air. Then Fabio lent me his coat and William and I used it as an umbrella. We got to the party and it was boring. We danced a bit and then Andre said there was a big party at 202.

So Andre, William, Fabio, Alexandra and I went there. It poured down all the way. William and I were lagging behind trying to stay under the coat. When we got there, all muddy, there was no party. We couldn’t find it, so we just swore at Andre and sat under a building. We decided to get back. Alexandra and I were walking behind under a block and suddenly I just slipped and fell flat on the floor. Luckily only Alexandra saw it. We were walking and suddenly the guys jumped from behind a bush and we got really scared. We got back to 403 and livened up the party. Negao, Asclê and Cleiton were still there and Fabiano showed up. It was cool… We danced to slow music taking the piss.

I didn’t even know whose party it was. Ginao showed up too. At 20:30 we went to 204, as there was a party there too. They wouldn’t let us in though. As the rain was getting worse we had to wait under the building. Alexandra had to leave as she had to be home at 20:30 (so did I but I didn’t want to get soaked). The caretakers wanted us out as they didn’t like the look of us. I got really annoyed and asked what was the purpose of a roof, it’s not for decorative purposes, but to stop people from getting wet. And that the ground, even if it’s paved with gold, is to be walked on. They let us stay after that. But if the police had showed up I would have had to run as I’m under age and it was really late. The rain hadn’t stopped by midnight so we decided to leave. We stopped at Andre’s to borrow a coat and William and I walked back to 405.