Last day in school BSB 29/11/1985 Friday

Last day in school BSB 29/11/1985 Friday

I had a feeling Henrique was lying and he was! He was in school today. Today all years did their presentations. First 6B, then us! We really came through. Until yesterday the play was a complete joke. Today it went really well. Everyone clapped, A LOT! The last one was 8B, ‘Amigo’. Everyone cried, all you could hear was sniffles. Even the people on the play were crying. Then we all got back to our classrooms, I cried for another 15 minutes, until secret friend started. Pulguinha got me, I was so happy, but also told him off for never writing to me. Pat L told me Henrique was outside. I went to see him but he was with Julia, Tatinha and Idilene and I was in a bad mood, so I turned around back to the classroom, everyone talking to each other and me just not knowing what to do.

Last day photos:

Karina and I, before the play
Karina and I, before the play
Our class 8A, after the play
Our class 8A, after the play
Our class, 8A
Our class, 8A
Orlando, me, Fabiane and Johny
Orlando, me, Fabiane and Johny
Henrique, me and Johny
Henrique, me and Johny

I spoke to Giba today after months, asked him to sign my shirt. Marcia is having a party at her house tonight, a goodbye party, but I don’t think many people are going. It started to rain when we left school, Henrique and I walked together. We waited for the rain to go away under his block. We stayed there until 13:00, then I left.

He called me later, he wanted to come here… He finally declared himself on the phone. ‘I love you’ ‘Eu gosto de você’, it seemed to be a great effort for him to come out and say it, but he did it! I said I was going to have a shower and I’d call him after. I stalled calling him, and he ended up calling me. I said maybe I was confusing things, and I had the nerve to tell him not to come. I’m crazy! I like him so much but it was like I wanted to make him suffer. He said I made him sad and that I’m terrible, I made him like me and then rejected him… I don’t understand why I did that. I’m crazy about him! What now? He said to call him tomorrow and put the phone down on me. What the hell. We both said we like each other and nothing happened. (I was afraid he’d expect sex and I wasn’t anywhere near ready for it, it really scared me).

He called me just now and said to call him whenever I want, but that I should know that he likes me, but that I should make the most of it now, because he won’t like me anymore in a week…

I went to the party with Fabi, Lara and Natacha, it wasn’t so busy but it was nice. We played a Milton Nascimento record and we all felt very sad. Then Ultraje and everyone was happy again. We left at 23:30.

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