BSB 29/07/1985 Monday

BSB 29/07/1985 Monday

It’s Tuesday already but I’ll write about Monday. From morning Alex, Cristina and I were preparing the backdrops for the show. They both had lunch at my flat then went to Novo Espaço with Vivi, Renata, Bia and Debora to rehearse. Ana Cristina arrived at 16:40 and we got a lift to Galpão. The guys who gave us a lift were smoking weed, so Ana and Cristina had some. Alexandra and I just coughed non-stop. One of the guys called us ‘square’ and Alexandra said: ‘Square my arse, I’m smart!’

We got to Galpão and it wasn’t quite what we expected, it was a small space above the stage, and it was filthy. So we cleaned it up and turned the projector on, it had three different coloured lights. The area that was illuminated (we were performing behind a screen, with projections of ourselves) only fit a maximum of 2 people. We cut out different ‘scenes’ with coloured gel paper. I was so nervous! I dread to think what it’s like to perform in front of thousands of people. And the people who go there are really honest, they boo anyone they don’t like, I should know as I’ve done it. I guess if you can dance there, through the boos, you can dance anywhere.

We were so nervous before it started, despite the audience being unable to see our faces and vice-versa. By the end of it I felt rotten, there were 16 songs! We ended up improvising everything. I did one where I was a drunk, Alexandra did a strip-tease. Ana danced the most, as there were times no one wanted to dance, and she would go.

When it finished we met Renata, Val, Bia, Ivone, Martha, and Luciana. Deca and Celio were there but didn’t speak to me. We went to Beirute and got home at midnight.

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