BSB 29/06/1985 Saturday

BSB 29/06/1985 Saturday

Stayed at home during the day, washed my hair and revised for Portuguese. At 19:15 Alexandra and I came out. We went to Lurdes house to see some photos a photographer had taken of her, naked, but she wasn’t there, but Cristina was and we went to her house to see her naked photos. They haven’t been developed yet but she has the negatives. I think it’s stupid, a disrespect for her body. We left and went for a chat with Alberto and his friend. They were going to the Junina party at Objetivo school. We went to 208 and there, Claudia, Alexandra’s 19 year old cousin was about to go to Anapolis, without telling her parents – they are away. But Tania had a bad premonition about it and they decided not to go.

And so we went to the ‘Festa do Estados’ (party of the estates) at 22:30: me, Alexandra, Claudia, Adriana and Carla (she was driving). Alexandra and I went off exploring on our own – went on the ghost train but that was so rubbish I was laughing my head off. There were lots of rednecks in there, and slags, but it was fun. We rode on the carrinho de bate-bate (crash car). In the queue some guys annoyed us, trying to chat us up. Then I saw a guy I met at the Vizinhanca party, he called us and let us jump the queue. We left at 1:30.