BSB 29/04/85 Monday

BSB 29/04/85 Monday

Today’s boy is Giba. The Maths lessons were boring. Then we had the bimestral Geography exam. I think I did badly and should only get 80%. I gotFriday’s test and got 95%, through stupidity, I could easily have had 100. When I finished the Geography exam I went to the back of the school (at the Geography’s teacher request) to thank the PE teacher for letting us have the exam during their lesson time: I only met one of the teachers though. As I was walking past the gym I saw Johnny, Naef and Giba. Giba is so gorgeous. He’s black, a bit taller than me and so charming, I asked them if they had seen their teacher (Giba was staring at me) and they said that he wasn’t in today.

During the break I had a quick chat with Arthur and Alexandre, then with Orlando. Then Fernanda, Pat Lima and I sat on the 6E classroom window and kept an eye on Giba. The Portuguese teacher asked Fernanda and I to drop some posters at the admin office. As I was leaving the class, I had my back to the door, and when I turned and bumped really hard into Arthur. He was just standing behind me for no reason. When we walked past the 6B window, a boy, who is very close to Giba, sent a really loud kiss, which I’m sure it was for me, as later on I walked past again, on my own, and he blew another kiss. I wish Giba had sent the kiss himself.

In PCS Lara and I helped Doralice make a report for the 5th grade B (I ended up bringing it home with me to finish and it took me 2 hours!). There might be a representative meeting tomorrow. Cool! We were walking to the bus stop with Alexandre, and this was our conversation:
Me: I heard some things about you. Rodrigo told me (Rodrigo is his cousin who lives in 405)
Him: He’s such an idiot! – He probably said that thinking that Rodrigo had told me that he fancies me
Me: It’s about you… and Carla. Rodrigo told me last night.
Him: Carla? What is it?
Me: Nothing, don’t worry about it.
Then his bus arrived and he had to run to catch it. During the PCS lesson, while we were doing the reports, he stole my pencil, so I had to wait for him on the way out from school to get it back. Patricia and Petronio are getting there. Every day I tell Edilaine (she’s in the 8B too) to send Petronio a kiss from Patricia. Patricia has no idea about this but she looks very happy whenever Edilaine walks in and tells her that Petronio has sent her another kiss.