BSB 29/03/85 Friday

BSB 29/03/85 Friday

I had a great day today. In Physical Education lesson we did 3 laps on the circuit and played volleyball. When we got back to the classroom the election for the teacher representative was taking place. We asked the boys to vote for Liliam (KiIza was winning), as she’s the only one who can control the class. But the boys voted for KiIza and she won!

We spoke to Doralice as the boys only voted for Kilza because she’s useless. Doralice said that if she couldn’t cope she would intervene and nominate another teacher. That took half the lesson. On the other half we had Maths. During the break I had a little talk with Henrique (good; I felt relief). I asked Celia to send Petronio a little kiss from me. We had to write an essay during the Portuguese lesson. The corridor was busy. Naeif was walking up and down and asked me (with gestures) to put my glasses on. I did and he mouthed that I looked wonderful. Henrique walked by twice and waved. Petronio walked past 4 times and kept staring. We then prayed for Tancredo’s health and we left the classroom 20 minutes early. Naeif was sitting on a bench and we sat with him. Lara was talking to the boys in our classroom but I’m still not talking to them (because of the voting). Next thing we know some people were throwing eggs at Daniele (it was her birthday yesterday). I walked to the bus stop with Karina, Henrique, Riba, Marcelinho and Naief. Daniele is having a party tomorrow and invited me. She asked Marcelo to invite Henrique but he said he’d only go if she asked him herself. Then he asked me for my phone number and said he’d call me if she asked him to go.

Karina had gone the other way by then (she only walks all the way to the bus stop with us when Guilherme is there). So I was on my own with the boys. I told Henrique that Fernanda fancies him, that Daniele said that Riba has a nice bod and some other bullshit. When the boys crossed the street, Henrique stayed behind writing my phone number down on his hand. I doubt he will ring me. I really like spending time with Henrique. Actually I walked to the bust stop with the 4 guys I like best. It’s just a shame that Karina and Daniele study English at the same time that Henrique and Riba and they hang out with then.

In the afternoon Debora, Alexandra and I went downstairs. As Marcelo Buarque and his family are leaving on Monday we decided to throw a farewell party, but the only place we could find for it was Marcelo’s house. We made cake and popcorn to take to the party. We all got there at 19:30. We wrote him a letter and read it out loud. We danced NewWave style until we were covered in sweat. Gil arrived and stayed with Debora. We stayed until 22:00 and then went to 205 and there was a party there too: Alexandra (crazy girl!) was dancing in the middle of the circle, giving a show! We always do the same dance together, but I don’t have the guts to go to the middle of a circle. When the party was reaching its climax, there were fit boys everywhere, two guys started fighting. That was it: party over. Debora had an argument with Gil and had left. We went back to 405, Gil, Alexandra, Nica, Renata, Alexandre (Gil’s cousin) and I talking shite. I went home at midnight. Gil now fancies Alexandra, and we’re now friends.