BSB 28/09/1985 Saturday

BSB 28/09/1985 Saturday

There was another earthquake in Mexico last night, a bit weaker at 5.5, no one died thankfully, but things are still pretty bad. It seems ten thousand people have died.

Stayed at home all day, only went out with my mum to go shopping. It had been sunny all day but when we went out there was a lot of rain, and it rained for the rest of the day. We did some food shopping at Panelão, then we bought some clothes. I bought a nice big shirt, a jumper and a bikini. My mum calls me a consumer justifiably so.

The insanities of Brasilia: Last week the humidity was 13% now it’s 90%. I’m going to get a cold soon with all these changes.

On November the 2nd something cool but also annoying is going to happen in Brazil. Everyone will have to move their clocks forward by 1 hour, this so called Summer Time, to help alleviate the hydroelectric companies. We all leave work/school earlier, but will also have to get up earlier. I’m going to have to get up at 5, but the clock will say 6, but I will feel very tired. This situation will be resolved in February when the clocks go back, it will be interesting feeling hungry at 11.

My mum got back from Goiania last night and brought me clothes and chocolate. I am now stuffed with chocolate…

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