BSB 28/08/1985 Wednesday

BSB 28/08/1985 Wednesday

I did P.E. but felt very weak. Geography was the usual. In R.E. the teacher let us go if we wanted to ‘study’, so most of us went. During the break I talked a bit with Henrique and Riba, then went to the canteen. Pat Lima and I stayed on our spot, Henrique, Riba and the 8C boys were in their usual spot too, then Henrique came over to talk. We arranged to meet after English class and meet at the library (him and me), the bell rang and we carried on talking for another couple of minutes and went to class together.

I bumped into the Geography teacher, she looked at me and I said ‘sorry’, she said ‘be careful’, I said ‘sorry’ again, and she said ‘No, be careful of yourself’. What did she mean by that? Is is because I’m really close with Henrique? This school is such a repressive hellhole! Denise and Gustavo got a warning for being together in school! Ridiculous! Took Science test, I cheated a bit. After Maths we got our tests back, Lara is in ‘Recuperation’ (NOTE: needs to resit it)!!! In the afternoon I tried to revise for History and fell asleep, I only woke up at 15:30.

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