BSB 28/07/1985 Sunday

BSB 28/07/1985 Sunday

In the morning Renata, Cristina and Alexandra came to my flat and from here we all went to the chemist at 406 (although it’s called 407 Sul Chemist, confusing). Cristina got 4 holes in her ears, she had 2 already, now she has 3 on each side. I bought a pair of earrings for 15,000crz and got another hole (I had 5) and now, like Cristina, I have 3 on each side.

After that Renata and I went to Ana Amelia’s flat to sing and record our singing. At 13:00 my mum and I went to Carmen’s flat to eat spaghetti Bolognese and I went home at 14:30 on my own, as I was going to rehearse with Alex and Cristina. As I couldn’t find them I went back to Ana Amelia’s and we recorded more nonsense. At 16:00 we went to Summer (Renata, Ana, Claudia who is Ana’s cousin and Bia who is Renata’s friend and is sleeping over). We met Cristina, Alexandra, Luciana, Martha and Fabiana there. Walked for a bit, then danced. There was a big sound system in front of Summer. They play lots of great tunes! Because of that it gets really busy.

Cristina lost one of the earrings and the hole closed (2nd hole, left ear).

In the evening Alexandra, Cristina, Renata, Bia and I went to Gilberto. My mum didn’t let me go but I went anyway. It was worth it. We got two lifts, with two guys, up to the bridge. After that an old guy gave us a lift to Gilberto. We played table football at Fliperama. We were so hungry we decided to eat and run without paying but none of us were brave enough to do it. We decided to find some old man to pay for our food, but only a madman would agree to pay for dinner for 5 people. But we walked backwards and forwards on the main corridor seven times, past a restaurant, hoping someone would invite us for a chat (and hopefully pay for our dinner). Well, to our disappointment that didn’t work.

So, we went for plan B. A gentleman was eating on his own. We just stared at his food and licked our lips. That didn’t work either. We were going to say that we had run away from Rio, 5 sisters, from Vila Isabel when Valeria turned up. She had 54,000crz and said she’d buy us dinner. We were so happy we started to jump and scream and everyone stared at us. It took us just over an hour to eat, and then we went to Barril 2000, and stayed there for 20 minutes.

We walked to the start of the bridge, to go home, and hitched a lift from there, by doing French can-can dancing! We got a lift pretty fast with 2 guys. Magnum (he said that was his name, mmm…) – when he said his name I asked him where was his moustache. We had a brilliant time in the car, clapping and singing, the guys were laughing a lot. When they were dropping us off, Renata didn’t wait for the guy to move the seat, she just squashed him to get out, it was hilarious!

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