BSB 28/05/1985 Wednesday

BSB 28/05/1985 Wednesday

There was a strike today, so no school. Good news, things at home were bad because my mum didn’t have a defined situation at Sudeco, her contract was at the end and she wasn’t sure if they would keep her. But luck will have it that they renewed her contract and promoted her to co-ordinator (not sure what of). It seems that she will earn 5 million crz. Funny, next year they will take three zeros from the cruzeiro and she will earn 5 thousand. Weird…

In the afternoon, in Dance, Cristina told me lots of things. In the second semester we will be on a big show. Some people will be ‘snakes’ and others will be ‘Eves’. Everything is still being planned, but the name of this dancing play is ‘Eve ate the apple’ at the National Theatre! Oh my God! The hire of a room will be paid by the tickets we sell. There will be live music, from various bands from Brasilia, and soon lots of people from those bands are coming over to watch us dance and make 2 hours of music for the choreography. The only one from our group who will be Eva is Alexandra, the rest will be snakes. The other group from 7-8 will be Evas. Renata doesn’t go to Dance anymore and everyone was relieved, all she talks about during the lesson is ballet, she’s a pain in the neck.