BSB 28/05/1985 Tuesday

BSB 28/05/1985 Tuesday

I typed this on the typewriter to practise. During the first period the PCS teacher sent me to the library and there I sat with Anselma, Mara and Luciana. Giba was there once again, with some mates. Fabi joined us later and we stayed with Johnny and Giba.

Science lesson was great, the teacher asked someone to go to the front to teach an improvised lesson, so Fabi and I went. Fabi talked first and when I was about to start, a man came in and did a raffle for 10 numbers, for people to win a place in a computing course. Lots of people won, valid until tomorrow, but don’t think I’ll do it. He went and I carried on with the lesson. When I finished, people from 6A came to our class to talk about a campaign to keep our school clean, whoever can, bring something to clean them.

Funny thing is that the boy talking doing this campaign is the biggest culprit for writing in the toilets, when he left everyone started taking the mickey, I called him masqueraded. He looked a bit embarrassed…

In History we got back the result of a test we did ages ago, about the theory about man’s origins. I got a ‘Very good’. In the break I talked to Marcelo about the party but the fool forgot the invitations… Actually, they finished them and he needs to print some more.

In Portuguese the teacher decided to spend the whole lesson discussing his ‘weaknesses’, it seems everyone failed yesterday’s test and he wanted to know why. Fernanda cried because she thinks she failed. Get over it! The teacher said our class is immature (and it sure is) and said that we either improve or he’ll leave us (he didn’t say it angry). I hope he goes.

In the afternoon, in English, I saw my result, got a B.