BSB 27/12/1985 Friday

BSB 27/12/1985 Friday

In the morning Ana and I picked up my glasses from the opticians. In the afternoon my mum took Ana, Vivi, Pedro and I to Park Shopping. I saw Riba there, with his sister and a bunch of little children. Pedro, Ana and I went ice skating, Vivi didn’t want to. We got in at the same time as Riba, who can’t skate, it was really comical. When we came out the shopping centre was packed. Clovis was there as usual, the whole city knows him, he’s so amazing looking! Shame he’s a snob…

Then we went to C&A, I took a shirt worth 79000, but it was a close call, one of the shop assistants was very suspicious, but I think she felt sorry for us and didn’t say anything.

On the way back we got on the wrong bus, but I had gone through when we realised, everyone else got off, I was stuck, so I just screamed ‘I want to get out!’ The driver and the people in the bus laughed, and the door opened. Our bus was right behind so we got in. I lost the fare though, 2300, that will teach me to rush.

This Christmas wasn’t so bad after all, I got sent 24 cards. So nice! No card from Henrique though.

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