BSB 27/11/1985 Wednesday

BSB 27/11/1985 Wednesday

We rehearsed the play during PE. I got a B in Geography test, add that to the 50 points we got from our presentation and my final grade will be 93%, an A! In the last period everyone got really sad, because the year is nearly finished and lots of people cried, including me. After the play we were all crying together..

In the afternoon Ana and I went to CNB, I took a bikini from C&A and a shirt from Jumbo. At 17:30 Herique called me to say he had come to my flat looking for me, by himself, on his bugue. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Why did I go out????????? We started pretend fighting on the phone, and I put the phone down on him. He called me back and put the phone down on me, then I called him and I put the phone down on him. Then he called me, and I put the phone down on him first, then he gave up… I won!

In the evening Cristina, Alexandra, Ana, Ivone, Renata and me went to Pergola. Some old guy called Peter, their friend, bought us beer and pizza. Renata left and at around 9:30 Henrique and Riba turned up out of the blue and the three of us sat on another table. The girls left with Peter and Henrique took me home in his buguinho


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