BSB 27/09/1985 Friday

BSB 27/09/1985 Friday

Last night I went to Playcenter with Renata, Juliana and Ana Amelia. As it’s on its final days you only pay to get in and then you can go on any ride. We went on the rollercoaster 10x, they even stopped looking at our stamp, as they knew us. It rained quite hard at one point and the rollercoaster stopped working. After a while it started working again. We went on almost all rides and we went home at around 10 with Ana’s father.

In Geography the teacher handed our tests back and I was very happy, I got 94%, without doing any revision! Orland and Pat Lima also got 94%. Lara got 68%. No PE class, so Fabiane and I did some cheat sheets on our desk for the Portuguese test, as we didn’t revise at all. Half the class will have to resit Maths, I got two questions wrong and got 70%.

During the break Henrique and Riba were with us, he was all different, back to being nice and not weird.

We did the Portuguese test in the last 2 periods. I did really badly, think I got a D or less and will have to resit on Monday, during the last period.

Dance: today was the last day for the academy, From Monday no more dancing. Lucia Toller academy had no spaces, so I went on the waiting list for next year. In the evening Martha, Lu, Renata, Juliana and I went to Ana’s house. Lu and Martha left at 10, then Re, me, Juliana and Ana were talking in my block’s car park with Gino, William and George until eleven

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