BSB 27/07/1985 Saturday

BSB 27/07/1985 Saturday

Everyone was in the academy from 9-12, rehearsing. Yesterday the soles of my feet, which were already painful, were totally destroyed.

My mum said I need to take some tests when she comes back from Goiania(she’s going for 5 days for work), because my father is diabetic and I might have some tendencies for it. How awful! Not even my mum knew he had it, he never told anyone. I’m pretty furious that she didn’t tell me he was in hospital, she knew. And she wasn’t going to tell me either, he phoned to tell. I’m feeling thoroughly betrayed by her.

In the afternoon, at 16:00, went shopping with my mum and Carmen. First to Venancio 2000 for light blue shoes, for 7,200crz, ‘Ultrage a Rigor’ LP for 39,000crz (bought that with my pocket money), some clothes (fuseau trousers and two tops), black trousers and colourful top for my mum. The total for the clothes was 215,000crz. Carmen, who earns 5x more than my mum, was just watching, didn’t buy anything, except for a shirt for my mum. She doesn’t look after herself. I don’t think she loves herself very much. Instead of putting all that money in the bank, why won’t she spend a little bit on herself?

At 17:30 we went to Conjunto Nacional, to buy a pair of pink Dockside shoes, not made by Samello, but identical. The Samello one costs 199,000 and the one from C&A costs 90,000. But they had run out, so I bought a similar pair of trainers to the ones I got at Venancio 2000, but these ones are lilac and more sophisticated, and cost 75,000crz. Got home at 18:30.

Today was the first elimination round of the Festival of Festivals, that TV Globo is running to commemorate its 20 year anniversary. There are 48 contestants, unknown musicians from all over Brazil, chosen from ten thousand applicants. There are 4 eliminatory rounds, one in each city. There are 10 official judges and 10 popular judges (those 10 count as 1 official vote)

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