BSB 27/05/85 Monday

BSB 27/05/85 Monday

In Maths the teacher marked the papers from last Thursday, there may be a strike on the 29th, teacher’s strike, to make up for it next Thursday there may not be a holiday, only Friday. In PE the teacher made us run for 12 mins. In the break I chatted with Henrique and Riba about the Portuguese test, also with Petronio. After the break we had the Portuguese test, I forgot about it and didn’t do too well. In PCS the teacher sent some people to the library while the rest were practising typing. I saw Giba going to the library and asked Johnny to type so I could go to the library. Giba was on a table nearby, reading, while me, Fabi, Karina and Lara were being naughty. The librarian is too stupid, we call her auntie. She asked if we saw the play ‘Pluft O Fantasminha’, I said yes and started to make the play up.

Later the teacher called us and we practised some typing. On the way out me, Dani, Karina, Marcelo, Portugues, Giba and Patu (a girl) walked together, chatting. Marcelinho said he’s throwing a party on Saturday, at the ‘Vizinhanca’ and the invite is 3000crz. The party is miles away… These boys love to make me trip, and Giba made me nearly fall. I’ve had a cold since Thursday.