BSB 26/03/85 Tuesday

BSB 26/03/85 Tuesday

Bad news. Tancredo was doing well yesterday (there were pictures of him). He was taken to a hospital in Sao Paulo as he was bleeding internally. He is going to be operated on again. Had a good day in school. I met the 8th grade B representative: Petronio. Horrible name, cute guy. Alexandre (Ana Claudia’s brother from my class) is the 8th Grade C’s representative. I was buying sweets at the school’s entrance and Alexandre looked at my ‘Quebra-queixo’ (a very sticky sweet, ‘jaw breaker’) with a begging look, I felt sorry for him so I gave him a bite. So everyone started winding us up, saying Alexandre was ‘in there’ . Henrique has been a pain, he won’t speak to me properly. I’m just treating him like he’s treating me. He fancies ldilene’s sister. The Portuguese class was a bore and I’m up to here with the teacher.

On the last period we chatted with Naeif who was flirting slightly with Lara. Poor guy if he thinks he’s making me jealous! We then played volleyball and the bell rang and we went home.

Ah, Gil came here yesterday and now Debora and him are going out! I didn’t even care as I don’t even find him remotely attractive anymore. We are learning the Past tense in English. After I arrived home I did some homework. At 19:30 Alexandra and I went to Renata’s and stayed there until 20:45. Alexandra cut her hair and it looks really weird. It’s been really hot since Saturday. Tancredo is doing ok.