BSB 27/02/85 Wednesday

BSB 27/02/85 Wednesday

The 1st period was Physical Education and we were supposed to be measured and weighed but there was only enough time for the boys to do it, so we just watched as there was nothing else to do. Naeif is 165cm tall and he’s only 14 years old. I didn’t see how much he weighs. We walked back to the classroom near him. The 2nd period, Geography, was the usual. We have the same teacher: Amelia. Great, I really like her. The Religion period was the usual pandemonium. As usual we nearly drove the teacher up the wall (Eunice). Patricia Lima and I walked around school during the break and we saw Marcelo (it’s so hard to see him). The bell rang, and we went back to class. Ours and Naeifs teachers were taking a while to show up, so I stood by the door and he was walking up and down the corridor. The Science lesson was madness as usual. I was joking so much. The Maths lesson was awaited with fear. Lilian was going to ask the rules for Notable Products from the beginning of last year. She demands that we should know them off by heart. She asked only 5 people, including me.

Luckily my question was easy (the square of the sum of two terms). The lesson went by quickly and we left. I had to walk home (as I forgot my wallet at home this morning and didn’t want to go back home, so I walked to school). I remembered when I was at the bus stop but no one had a spare ticket to lend me, so I walked.

Its 20:53 and guess who just phoned me? Gil. He said he was worried about me and that is why he phoned. He said he didn’t show up on Sunday because the car broke down. But then Renata phoned and said he didn’t go because he didn’t feel like it. I wasn’t in the mood for talking so we only talked for 5 minutes. We talked rubbish and he asked if I had failed the year already. I’m going to bed, bye!