BSB 26/09/1985 Thursday

BSB 26/09/1985 Thursday

Portuguese teacher booked a test in conjunctions for tomorrow, I paid no attention to the class, was talking to Lara, Orlando, Karina and Fabiane. Tatiana’s aunt died and the funeral was today, she wanted to take the Maths test in the 2nd period with 8B but the teacher didn’t let her, so she had to do it on the 3rd period. PAE teacher didn’t come in so me, Lara, Karina, Fabiane, Fernanda and Gleice revised for Maths. The test was easy but tiring, it was short, but labour intensive, if you got one question wrong that was more than 10 points lost. I think I got about 60%. The teacher marked some of them, Pat Lima got 55%, Orlando got 65% and Karina got 30%. Most of our class stayed in during the break doing the Maths test, I had finished and ate churros.

There’s a wasp nest near the canteen and the stupidest boys in the school were killing wasps. Today Aldimar and Luciano got stung, some other boy got stung five times. Good, that will teach them not to mess with wasps.

In History we learned about Greek culture and I think we may have a test next week. In dance we had evaluation, you give yourself the score you think you deserve and the class votes on whether they agree or not. Henrique was doing his test until 12:15 so I didn’t wait for him. I walked back with Daniele, but Renata wasn’t on the bus.

Went to English with Lu. Today we had oral test. I took mine with Maria Aparecida, the girl knew nothing. The teacher who was taking the test was Maria do Carmo, from last semester. It was raining when I finished, so Henrique and I shared the same umbrella, while Lara, Fernanda and Gleice walked ahead. He doesn’t talk to me much in school but we chat a lot in English.

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