BSB 26/07/1985 Friday

BSB 26/07/1985 Friday

Woke up at 10:00 with Alexandra and Cristina calling me, got dressed quickly and went out, so did Renata, and Patricia, who was playing with Ingrid (Cristina’s niece). We were watching them play and laughing.

I’m dead, it’s 20:40, just arrived back from dance. Went there at 15:00 and we choreographed and rehearsed a new routine. There were lots of boys watching from 15:00 to 17:00. When the class itself started they left. Orlando was out there again. After the class, Cristina invited me to dance with her, Alexandra and Ana Cristina at the Music Fair on Monday. So we stayed at the academy until 20:30 preparing routines.

On the way back home, as we walked past the green area in front of the Q block, Orlando was about to kick a ball as I walked past him, he pretended he was going to kick it at me but didn’t, I just ignored him. Two of the boys with him said:
He knows her
It’s Leticia – said another one
Then all the boys started saying my name, except for Orlando, who looked really embarrassed.

My father has just called and said he’d been in hospital for 21 days and only left today. He had pneumonia and nearly died, I only found out. It’s because he smokes a lot and is diabetic. He got a cold and it turned nasty.

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