BSB 26/06/1985 Wednesday

BSB 26/06/1985 Wednesday

Struggled to wake up this morning, and went to school with Renata. The PE teacher is still in hospital, and there was no class, so we just caught up with each other. In the break, Daniele told me that Giba was trying to kiss Magda, and when he realised Daniele was watching he looked embarrassed. She said she was annoyed because he knows she doesn’t like Magda. I didn’t even look at his face today, I was so mad at him. I think Daniele has a crush on him.

In the Portuguese lesson I discovered why Orlando had been so quiet all day, he’s wearing braces! And it suits him. In Science the teacher booked the test for Tuesday. In Maths we did self-evaluation.

In the afternoon me, my mum and Ana went to the bus terminal to buy bus passes, we were there for an hour and a bit. Then we went to Park Shopping Centre to buy the starfix for my ceiling.