BSB 26/05/85 Sunday

BSB 26/05/85 Sunday

I slept until 11 and because of that I didn’t go to the club. Summer wasn’t very busy today but it was fun. I adored two massive dogs that were there. Every Sunday there’s a guy who goes to Summer (Summer was an ice cream place in the commercial centre between 205 and 206, it used to get very busy on Sunday, people from everywhere went there), in his ‘Amazonas’ bike, one side of his face is light brown, the other is black – I don’t know if from birth or if he paints it. Goguinho was there and we said hi to each other. Luciano was also there. Andre from the party was there too and I said hi. Cristina was inside Summer having ice-cream with a friend and me, Ana and Renata joined them.

Renata started talking nonsense and I left in a hurry with Ana. Next thing I know Cristina is also leaving and Renata saying she hadn’t done anything, she was just having ice –cream with some guy. The thing is Cristina met him today and she liked him. I really don’t know what Renata said for sure, as we didn’t see her after that. We went home at 19:15.