BSB 26/04/85 Friday

BSB 26/04/85 Friday

We had a Geography test in the first period. We played volleyball and dodgeball in PE. We received the tests in the Maths lesson, I got 83%. I’m worried about Natasha, she only got 70% on hers. The teachers always make a point of saying that we are the worst students and the worst class in the school. During the break I bought sweets. Marcelinho, Henrique and Ze intercepted me for sweets. I chatted a bit with them and ran off as the girls were miles away. It looks like Petronio fancies Patricia. I will only mention the most fanciable boy of the day when I feel like it.

The double Portuguese lesson was a bore. There are 3 couples I will try and get together in the next few weeks: Edna & Alexandre, Henrique & Dani, Patricia Lima & Petronio… I walked to the bus with Henrique, Ze, Dani and Karina. Henrique got 89% in Maths! Ze was telling me what kind of stuff goes on in his classroom. I made Henrique talk with Daniele (he said he didn’t even remember her name!).

Renata got on the bus and Alexandre was at the bus stop when we got off. On Monday we will have the Geography exam during PE and it’s going to be a hell of an exam.

I’ve been writing in this diary for 243 days – it was a nightmare to count them so the figure could be wrong.