BSB 26/02/85 Tuesday

BSB 26/02/85 Tuesday

I’ve been lucky so far this year. The 1st period was PCS/PA (it’s now 12:45) and the teacher is a drag! The 2nd period was History, the teacher is Mrs. Magdala, a bit boring. It looks like we will have the most demanding teachers in the school. Caseb was painted and it looks nice. I hope it lasts before the vandals ruin everything.

The 3rd period was Science, with the same teacher as last year. She is the only teacher we don’t respect and her lessons are chaos. Nothing much happened during the break. In Portuguese, Rafael asked us to write an essay, but I hadn’t finished by the time the bell rang and I will hand it in next lesson. We went to the library and 7th C was there! After a boring talk we went home, walking near Marcelo. I have English at 15:25.

The dollar is 3,936 officially and 4,650 on the black market.

There was hardly anyone from Caseb at the English. But full of hunks! Our teacher, Maria do Carmo, is excellent and the lessons are pretty dynamic. I can’t remember how to spell anything in English. I walked home and it took me 22 minutes. I washed my hair, Renata came over, we chatted, I did my homework (Renata will spend the week at her dad’s). I ended up fixing my glasses, badly, and my mum phoned and said she will buy me a new frame.