BSB 25/11/1985 Monday

BSB 25/11/1985 Monday

We had Maths test in the first period, think I did well. On the 2nd period we had a Geography test. During the break we all talked about Friday. I was dying to talk to Arthur, but he was doing his school play from the 3rd period onwards to another school, from what I heard it all went horribly wrong. Poor guy! Portuguese class was noisy because me, Fabiane and Karina had a fight with Orlando and Johny because they kept on grabbing us and trying to kiss at the club and Alexandre called us sluts because of it, I told him to go fuck himself and argued with Orlando and Johny. But five minutes later I was talking to Orlando again, as he’s now my confidant, so I can’t not talk to him for too long.

Henrique was being all tender today and Riba said he likes me (Henrique that is, not him). Neither us nor 8C had the last period so I was with Henrique and Riba. Then Renata and Cristiane came to visit, and I was going from one bench to another talking to them.

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