BSB 25/10/1985 Friday

BSB 25/10/1985 Friday

Had the maths test, which was small, and got one question wrong and lost 12 points! STUPID! It rained all morning, non stop, quite hard, everyone got wet, in a bad mood. Except me, I love rain. We rehearsed the stupid play on the 2nd and last periods.

Went back to Caseb in the afternoon to do the Geography assignment with Fabiane, Pat Lima and Fernanda. Daniele went too as she was going to Gisno with Fabiane later to see Murilo. We made a mess in the library and didn’t leave until 6. Fabiane and Daniele ended up staying and never went to Gisno. Hardly did any work for the assignment…

In the evening me, Vivi, Ana and Renata went to a party at Assefe club. Vivi finished with Pedro and is going out with Luis again. Everyone got off with everyone at the party, except me. Celio kept bugging me but I don’t fancy him. Got home at 3, very quietly, so as not to wake my mum up.

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