BSB 25/09/1985 Wednesday

BSB 25/09/1985 Wednesday

Fabiane and I missed PE to study for the Geography test, I hadn’t touched the book, for a change, we ended up not studying, instead we prepared the class for the exam. Which was easy, but because I didn’t revise I won’t get more than 70%. I’ve been a bit rubbish this semester… Don’t think I will get an A on anything! I haven’t revised for a single test so far. I have done all the tests with what I already know and some luck. I’m getting lazy… We had Maths instead of RE on the 3rd period. We were supposed to have Science test today but it got moved to next Tuesday. Had free last period and went to watch a Daniele’s class’ play. Renata and Claudio came to school as they didn’t have last period either.

Today was the penultimate dance class before the academy closes. After it we went to Luciana’s house. I don’t think Alessandra likes Renata much, as she barely looks at her in the face. My mum went to Goiania again this morning.

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