BSB 25/04/85 Thursday

BSB 25/04/85 Thursday

It’s 13:08. Tancredo was finally been buried, last night around 22:00. Sarney kept the cabinet Tancredo formed unchanged: The country woke up fully without Tancredo and Marcelo went back to school. From now on I’ll write down the most fanciable boy of the day here. Today the boy who interested me the most was Orlando. A friend of Thais and Magda decided to pick a fight with us today and said she could beat us all up. I don’t want to get involved but Karina, Dani and Fabiane said they are going to get Magda at English. I just want to see it! I love fights as long as I’m not involved.

It was very hard to put up with the Portuguese teacher today, Rafael. I’m up to here with him. And then I had to put up with another teacher I hate in PCS. He gives me the creeps. I received back a Portuguese test and my mark was 95%. During the break I was with Henrique and Alexandre. In History the teacher told us to go to the auditorium to have our lesson there. On the way Karina had an argument with Orlando and I called him a sissy. When we all arrived at the auditorium Magda told the whole class off. I got angry with her as she was over the top. During theatre we had to form two circles, one inside the other. One circle had to rotate while the other didn’t move and we had to look into the eyes of whoever was in front, which sometimes gave me the urge to laugh. Orlando and I had to stare at each other 3 times and we kept pulling faces.

Somehow I disturbed the teacher when I was staring at her, and looked really deep into her eyes, and every time she got to me she would move us along more quickly. I walked back with Karina and Daniele. On the bus I went with Dani, Alexandre and Ana Claudia. Then Renata got on the bus too. I have my English written exam this afternoon. We will not be celebrating the school’s birthday anymore due to Tancredo’s death.