BSB 25/02/85 Monday – First day in Year 8, Caseb

BSB 25/02/85 Monday – First day in Year 8, Caseb

I woke up at 5:40 and my mum was going out for a jog. She’s travelling at 7 to Belo Horizonte (work). I went to the bus stop at 6:30 and met Asclepiades (he studies at La Salle) and a cute friend of his. When I got off the bus I waited for Lara, Dona and Celia and we went to school, which was full of people already. We sat by the window of the ex-8th grade A, our old corridor. The bell rang and we were told that the 7th and 8th grades would be in one wing; and the 5th and 6th grades in another. We were waiting for the wing to open and Naeif said hi. We got in the classroom. Lara, Natacha, Fabiane, Patricia Lima & Pat. Figueiredo, Karina, Orlando, Johny and I stayed near each other. This is our gang. Fernanda, Celia, Edna, Edna and Solange were put in the 8th grade B. They separated us. There are 37 pupils in our class and I’m number 14. Poor Orlando is number 24 (it’s the deer’s number, i.e. gay). Later I was walking on the corridor and Naeif grabbed my hand (this was just before the first period). How sweet!

We are in the first classroom, the 8th grade B is on the second, the 8th grade C (where all the gorgeous boys are) is on the second – all on the right hand side. The 7th grade classrooms are on the left.

Marcelo failed and he’s on the 6th grade class B. The first 2 lessons were Maths, and the teacher, Liliam, is known to be demanding, but she is good at explaining stuff. We have Physical Education on the 3rd period, but us girls didn’t have a lesson. We do it with the 7th grade C (Naeifs class). I know that girls and boys do it separately, but it’s better than nothing. Anyway I don’t really like him, it’s just to flirt a little bit. During the break I stayed by the Canteen a little near Naeif, then I went to the admin office to get a pass and he was there too! The 4th period was Portuguese (you should have seen me with my broken glasses during the lesson, it was a joke). The Portuguese teacher (Rafael) is great, I liked him. The last lesson was PCS, but the teacher didn’t even show up. The uniform shirt costs 5,000. We chatted during the last period, everyone is doing English Monday, Wednesday, Friday, except for myself and Fernanda. Shit! And I can’t change it because of the school of music. Next semester I’ll change. Worst of all: Naeif is doing English on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

I got home (my mum will be back on Friday) and Mrs. Dora said my father had phoned. He must have people watching the house so that he only rings when my mum is away. But if he thinks he can get away with not paying maintenance he’s got another thing coming.

It’s 17:50 and I just arrived back home. After which I went to the opticians with Vivi but was told they can’t solder the arm on my glasses, it needs a new arm, so now I have to wait for my mum to come back. I called Juliana at 13:40 and she took ages to come down! We got to the school of music at 15:00. Juliana enrolled there and then, by jumping the queue. They were calling by number (I was number 86 and they were calling 46).

Some woman went mad because everyone was jumping the queue and she reorganised it (and I went right to the back of it). In front of us there was a blonde girl and we started chatting to her. Her name is Korina, she is German and she’s been living here for 10 months. We talked loads! Then our numbers were called up. The lessons start next Monday. We left Korina at the bus stop (she lives at QL8, South Lake).

Ju, Paula (Korina’s friend) and I walked home talking. Paula is a hippie she’s 14 years old and didn’t stop talking about her boyfriend. She is so nice that we sat on the grass (on 403) and talked from 16:20 to 17:10. Paula lives on 206 and smokes. We went to bakers on 405 and I think I saw Cesar from the back. Ju went home and Paula and I walked until my block and I went home. The lift isn’t working for a change. I met so many new people today! Carlinhos, Rodrigo (I block) and Ronaldo are also at the school of music. I wasn’t really looking forward to going there but it was fun just queuing.