BSB 24/10/1985 Thursday

BSB 24/10/1985 Thursday

Today Henrique barely spoke to me, he can get lost. I don’t think we are friends anymore, after the trip, it feels odd. I think I lost my brother…

The boy I fell in love with in English is called Jose Alfonso, Lara was in his class last semester. I received my final mark for this semester and got a B+. Didn’t realise you could have + or – on grades, now I know you can. Took a bus on the way home, as I wasn’t walking back with Henrique and I don’t like walking on my own. He was at the bus stop getting a bus too, but didn’t get on the same bus as us. I don’t know what the heck is going on, it’s horrible.

I went downstairs in the evening and saw my idol, William, he’s so cute.

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