BSB 24/09/1985 Tuesday

BSB 24/09/1985 Tuesday

The time of the year I like has finally arrived: Cold, cloudy, with a bit of rain. Before school Pat Lima told me that Daniele had sex with Junior (her ex), Karina told her, and Daniele told Karina. Today my eye was swollen… At first I thought it was conjunctivitis, but my eye is not watery. It’s either a sty or an infection.. It’s gone down now, hope it’s nothing serious.

None of the 8th graders had last period, so Karina, me, Henrique, Pat and Riba went to the gym. I was watching the game between D. Bosco and Setor Leste, while everyone else was messing around, I just watched quietly. On the way out, me, Dani, Riba, Henrique and Marcelo walked together. Then Marcelo started winding me up so I just bashed him over the head with my bag.

Got a lift with Lu to English, when I got there Henrique, Lara and Patricia looked at me very strangely. It was horrible and I felt really sad, didn’t even talk to Henrique. We got our tests back, I got a B. We had our big test today. After it finished I didn’t want to wait for Henrique so I left but walked very slowly, soon enough he’s running and catches up with me. Casually I mentioned Daniele and a ‘secret’, he said he’d give me his expensive pen if I told him and he spread any rumours. On 307 Marcelo walked past me and kissed me on the cheek. On 107 Henrique got the pen off me and didn’t want to give it to me, we spent 10 minutes struggling, people were laughing at us, he managed to get it back.

Vivi and Pedro are back together, I knew it would happen, I even bet 2500crz with Vivi and I won. They got back together tonight. Tonight Nina Hagen is doing a show in Brasilia. I was going with Renata, I’m not a fan, but we were going for free, but then I didn’t feel like going anymore.

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