BSB 24/07/1985 Wednesday

BSB 24/07/1985 Wednesday

Didn’t do much yesterday, today, only went out to go dance. Deca’s brother, Marcos, was in a coma in hospital with appendicitis. Ah, before going to the academy I was with my mum and Carmen, looking for some stuff at 406. Next to the academy there’s a bike repair shop, and the academy’s window gets a full view of the shop, and it’s always full of boys in there, on their bikes, watching us doing our dance lesson. Sometimes they climb on trees to watch. Before the dance lesson I was looking at the shop and saw Orlando there, fixing his bike. I called him and he just dismissively waved at me. When I finished the lesson and he cycled past me I just ignored him.

When I got home from Dance, Vivi called me and ordered me to go down straight away, for us to go to the academy because Mauricio was there (Alexandra had phoned her to let her know). Mauricio is 20 years old and is Milton Guedes’ brother from the ‘Por do Sol’ (sunset) band, Beto used to be in ‘Mel da Terra’ (earth honey), now only Solom and Rem are in. We went there. Although Vivi loves her boyfriend she is always flirting and has a thing for Mauricio. We introduced ourselves and stayed for a bit. Vivi looked disappointed, as she had only seen him in the dark before and today she took a good look. I think he liked her. Vivi only likes really skinny guys.

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