BSB 24/05/85 Friday

BSB 24/05/85 Friday

The dollar is at 5,360crz in the official market and 6,550crz in the black market.

Before school everyone was talking about yesterday… who cried, etc. In Geography the teacher told us Magdala really liked her gift. Marli said that during the break we’d get lunch, to celebrate the school’s anniversary. The PE teacher didn’t come so we played volleyball at the gym.

After Maths lesson, they took our famous celebratory ‘lunch’ to our class. We all had to sit in our places while we were handed out this lunch. The lunch was meagre! We took the mickey out of the lunch’s face. The juice was guarana that smelt like piss and grapes. The bread with onion pate was impossible to swallow. The bell rang and I was walking around school with Patricia Figueiredo during the break. Fernand’s birthday was on the 21st, but we were going to throw eggs at her only today, but as the class was about to start, she asked help from a teacher and left early to go home.

Double Portuguese, and the teacher sent me to the blackboard to fix the syntax of 5 sentences, but before I went Lara read the 1st bimester report. This report names a student and their general evaluation. Would you believe I was the best in the class? I was the only one to get an ‘excellent’ evaluation out of everyone. Not even Fernanda, she was ‘good’.

In the afternoon we went to Dance lesson and in the evening Renata, Ana Amelia and Debora stayed together. We were chatting to Luciano. He’s only 14, but cute. The rest of the boys (Gino, Negão, Piolho) stayed with some slags at the playground.