BSB 24/04/85 Wednesday

BSB 24/04/85 Wednesday

It’s Jose Sarney’s birthday today. Tancredo’s body was taken to São João Del Rey this morning and will be buried at 17:00. At school all we talked about was Tancredo’s death. Henrique was being extra friendly today and told me how the Maths test was (they had it before we did) and said he saw me yesterday at the Eixão. We have a Geography test on Friday. We had a test in Religion and I cheated like mad. Orlando said he was with the bikes that were following Tancredo too. It was during the break that Henrique was talking to me. There were a bunch of girls shouting for him to go by the girls’ loo door to see some girl that was all painted, but he just ignored them and explained the Maths test to me.

As the girls wouldn’t stop calling him I just pushed him and told him to go. We had a Science test and as I had done no revision I cheated big time. The Maths test was ok, but I didn’t revise and made a very stupid mistake. How stupid!

Tancredo’s burial has been delayed to 22:00. Mrs Neves wants everyone in the city to say goodbye to him.